Correction d'une erreur d'allumage pazon 6v.

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Modérateurs : Pachi, gigi, Tricati, Bertrand, rickman, Yeti

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Inscription : 01 nov. 2022, 03:45

Correction d'une erreur d'allumage pazon 6v.

Message non lu par tonymanson »

Outstanding Features Shark Navigator Lift-away Deluxe Nv360 Owns

Shark navigator 360 is probably a Shark navigator lift away deluxe NV360 that many people love and know. Today this article will list to you the things that we like about this vacuum cleaner.

Elegant design

The first and most attractive feature of this machine for us is its color. Compared to other colors of the same brand, the blue color of the device is more elegant and gentle. Especially with an upright vacuum cleaner, the weight of 15.96 pounds is quite light and easy to transport.

Not stopping there, the machine is designed with a brush on/off control button. It's a red switch right above the dust canister, which should be convenient for you when cleaning the floor.

In addition, with a 25-foot cord length and Lift-away design, you can quickly move it to clean any high place in the house.

It's about the design of the machine. And right below will be the features of the machine that, according to experience and knowledge, Shark nv360 makes us fall:


All-in-one cleaning with Lift-away

This is probably our favorite thing in Shark NV360 Reviews. The lift-away design makes it easier for us to clean our home. Because the machine is operated in the traditional vertical mode, it is easy to disassemble for cleaning in high or hard-to-reach places. Housework suddenly becomes more convenient by lifting the case to clean the upper floor or move up the stairs.

Light maneuverability

Equipped with a dynamic rotating steering wheel, you'll be in complete control of your machine when moving around furniture or other obstacles.

We really like the machine because of the powerful suction power and your room will be cleaned as quickly as possible. Pet hair or long hairs succumb to the attraction of the device.

Anti allergen complete seal technology and HEPA filter

This is probably the feature we think is most helpful if you or your family has someone with allergies or asthma. Anti allergen complete seal technology incorporates a HEPA filter capable of capturing up to 99.9% of dust and allergens while preventing them from re-entering the air.

What's more, this filter is easy to wash in water (usually dries in 24 hours), and you can then continue to reuse them.


Large dust container and easy cleanup

The dust cup can hold the debris of multiple vacuums before reaching full capacity. With a total of 1.2L, the container gives you enough time to clean the entire house without having to stop in the middle. So you no longer have to worry when the house cleaning is not completed, but the container is full of dust and messy garbage.

Finally, and extremely convenient, the dust container can be opened from the vacuum cleaner’s body. It can be opened from the top or bottom by pressing the unlock buttons. And we recommend emptying it after each use.


Overall, with a fairly reasonable price, Shark NV360 convinced us. So we believe most of you will like it too. Hopefully, this article will help you understand more about this vacuum cleaner.
Dernière modification par tonymanson le 22 févr. 2023, 11:26, modifié 1 fois.
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Messages : 851
Inscription : 28 oct. 2007, 19:01
Localisation : Pas de Calais

Re: Correction d'une erreur d'allumage pazon 6v.

Message non lu par Richard »

je ne suis pas un expert mais il paraît qu'il est de bon ton de passer par la case présentation
et secondo, ta question n'est pas très claire et un peu trop succincte.
yvan d
Messages : 587
Inscription : 15 nov. 2015, 19:48
Localisation : 71 macon

Re: Correction d'une erreur d'allumage pazon 6v.

Message non lu par yvan d »
